Feed The Starving Artist

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hard Knocks...

Ohhh no you don't... Not only are you a horrible husband, a terrible father, and an idiot investor... Iraqi dinar....what a moron... but you are a lousy hitter... if anyone is going to pinch hit for Junior it's going to be his mother... Not only did I bat 300 in college but my degree in finance allowed us to invest wisely enough to live in the suburbs... Ump... tell him to give me the bat and not to contest our divorce and that the Iraqi dinar is a scam!

I was told on the internet this Iraqi dinar note was worth a million dollars and I need you to give me the million dollars so I can go to Walmart and get my son some Robitussin for his sniffling and pick up some ketchup... My boyfriend told me if I forget the ketchup he will make me sleep with the dogs on the porch... 

Dadburn fork in the road... How did we end up in Babylon?

Did it RV I walked away from the computer for one second and the RV happened didn't it????
Umm... No... sorry... I wanted to make my student loan payment but my layaway at Sterling Currency Group was due... Hey you are the idiots that gave me the loan... I could have told you I was destined to be a loser... You should have asked that on the loan application...

Thankfully the last time I was here Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple... so I don't think I will have to worry about money changing... 

 Do you think the global currency reset will be taught in future history classes and there will be a chapter on how you and I bought Zimbabwe currency and became the King and Queen of Earth... Or do you think I am over thinking it?

After the Iraq dinar revalues I am going to buy this place, fire you... move this drunk guy in the back... put the pool table by the Foosball table and the foosball table by the door, and serve hot mustard and pretzels... Give me one on the house and I will reconsider you for head bartender....

So I was told to take it to a bank and they will throw us a party, give us wealth perks and a black gold card or something like that and to praise God but I don't think we really have to do that part...

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